Casey was paragliding most of the days, and Sherry flew with him once on a "tandem" glider with a local pilot. The goal was to make it from the takeoff spot all the way back to town (8 miles or so) but the winds are fickle and they would often just land in a field somewhere and try to get a taxi or a local driver to get them back to town.
Mike is kissing the street art again
The next series of photos shows Casey and Sherry getting ready to fly. Casey is in the orange jacket and Sherry's pilot is in the white jacket. Casey and the other pilot sync their radios, then they both get set up and then take off.

We spent the last night at a different Airbnb and then headed out. Casey and Dorothy stayed on for a while longer. We had to take Covid tests at the airport and do a bunch of paperwork to get on the plane. It was such a hassle to travel during Covid!

Mike is kissing the street art again
Scary stuff on the streets of Mexico City
Mexico is still new at the whole "craft beer" thing, but we went and tried some anyway. They are off to a good start but have a ways to go.
We took the local cabs to the paragliding launch site and to the butterfly preserve. They often stop to let more people in or to let people out. In this case, we are filling up the cab, so it's 100% ours.
Walking around the streets of Valle de Bravo. Casey is in front carrying his paragliding wing. They are surprisingly compact.
The next series of photos shows Casey and Sherry getting ready to fly. Casey is in the orange jacket and Sherry's pilot is in the white jacket. Casey and the other pilot sync their radios, then they both get set up and then take off.
After the paragliding, we decided to go to see where the Monarch butterflies overwinter. There are a few places in Mexico where this happens. The butterflies look for forests of Oyamel trees and then spend the winter in them. We took horses up the hill to see all of the Monarchs. The trees are literally heavy with insects. The branches droop from their weight.

We spent the last night at a different Airbnb and then headed out. Casey and Dorothy stayed on for a while longer. We had to take Covid tests at the airport and do a bunch of paperwork to get on the plane. It was such a hassle to travel during Covid!